
Still waiting to hear some parents views on their young children’s sports which they participate in. Don’t get me wrong I am happy that my children play organized sports.  I believe it not only provides   a health benefit but also builds character.  Participating in sports has its ups and downs.  Sometimes your on top and sometimes not.  Not to be obvious but so does everyday life.  Your job could be going along as planned and all of a sudden your out of work.  It takes hard work to be on top but many times it takes even more work to get back to or close to the top. Ok moving on the next time on I spew some words of wisdom my focus will be on the topic of  the philosophy that young children’s sport should have no winners or losers.  No score keeping , no rewards or recognition for winning, etc.
Well guys fall is upon us and my son’s fall soccer season has begun.  He is 10 and plays for Seacoast Soccer Which he loves and they do a good job.  However the cost is close to $3000 and you need to buy uniforms which is about another $250... I remember when is grade school and in high school 🏫 Playing sports and uniforms were free.  It appears that they have a lot of private sponsors which I am sure they donate money... I have spoken with parents who have two children wanting to play and they   Cant afford it.   Give me your thoughts!

Youth Soccer

I have been National Class Athlete a large portion of my younger years.  Have done road racing, track and field, adventure racing, triathlons etc.  Had national sponsorships from some great shoe companies, apparel manufactures and others.  When I was competing full time I was chosen as Eli Lilly's Diabetic Athlete of the Year having developed diabetes in my thirties.   My adopted son Wyatt is becoming quite the little star in soccer at age nine and he loves it.  My worry is that he sometimes plays 4 games in a day on weekends with his team and starts practice at 6:30 am on some weekends.  My worry is that he will burnout by the time he reaches college age. I went to a private school that track and field was the major sport and actually recruited .  Many of my team mates were training and competing since a very young.  A good number of my classmates received scholarships to college and a portion quit competing because they had enough of the grind of training and competing for